The aim of this department is ensure that all citizens are provided with opportunities to be involved in sports and recreation at all levels in order to realize their full potential and improve their quality of life.


“Creating pride, developing the nation through sport – Shukuma Swaziland”


The sport and recreation policy provides a framework for the development of an active, healthy and productive society, as well as achieving sporting excellence in line with National Vision 2022, National Development Strategy and the Millenium Development Goals.

The policy also recognizes that sport actively educates young people about the importance of key values such as honesty, fair play, respect for self and others, pride in the nation and adherence to rules.

The policy further acknowledges that sport is essential to human development and social integration.  Sport also contributes significantly to economic development through manufacturing of sports goods, tourism, job creation, sports events, sports related services and broadcast and media.


1. Use sport and recreation to advance and achieve National Vision 2022, National Development Strategy and the Millenium Development Goals
11. Promote the involvement of citizens in physical activity throughout one’s life.
111. Ensure the integration of marginalized communities and groups in sport and recreation activities.
1V. Have an efficient and effective system of talent identification and development.
V. Have a high performance management system and a credible reward system for elite performers’ recognition in sport.
V1. Ensure good governance, professionalization and commercialization.  Facilitate the availability of relevant and appropriate infrastructure, funding, and other resources for participation in sport and recreation activities by citizens.
V11. Facilitate and regulate the development and growth of the sports industry including careers.
V111. Improve the country’s profile through hosting of international events and activities.


1. Governance of sport in Swaziland
The Ministry of Sport, Culture and Youth Affairs recognizes that sport or recreation is an enterprise practiced by people either as individuals or group of individuals or as part of a team, of their free will.  Consequently, the Ministry will respect the autonomy of sports and recreation associations in conducting their affairs.  In bringing  this policy to life, the Ministry will promote the following matters:
a. Establish regulations to govern the management, organization and structure of sport in Swaziland.
b. Encourage parliament to pass legislation that will provide for the establishment, promotion, growth and standardization of the sport and leisure industry.
c. Promote a culture and spirit of volunteerism amongst administrators, organizers, coaches and technical officials.
d. Promote the integration of the marginalized people in society to all sports and recreation activities and opportunities.


  • Collaborate and advise the Swaziland National Sports Council on all matters relating to Sports and recreation
  • The ministry will be a national oversee of all issues related to sport in the country
  • Facilitate the provision of quality initial training and in-service training of teachers of physical education, sport and recreation
  • Strengthen departments of physical education and sport at University and other institutions of higher learning.




  • We have developed Draft Sports Policy with the help of a Consultant (Mbebe and Associates).
  • We held Stakeholders Meeting at the Football Assocication Technical Centre (F.A.T.C.) to have their input on the draft policy.


  • Met representatives from the four Regional Secretaries in Manzini Regional Secretary’s office to brief them about the decentralization of sports.
  • Made a follow up progress in the Shiselweni Region with the Regional Secretary.  They promised to call us when they have a meeting with the regional chiefs, so that we can brief them too. 



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